There is an epidemic in the USA of STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) that are like a raging wildfire that is getting bigger and can’t be stopped! The HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is the most commonly sexually transmitted Infection. Many people catch this Infection from their first sexual affair. Over 75% of people who are Sexually Active and do fornication, immorality, or sexual sins will get Infected with HPV one way or the other!

–Over 70 million sexually active people currently have HPV and most of them don’t even know they have it. So it is easily passed on and every year nowadays over 13 million more people get it. There are 2.300,000 new cases of STD every year in America.

This unbelievable Sexual Disease Infection Pandemic should be in all media headlines and stories from time to time to warn and educate the gullible public. Instead in most media outlets it is never brought up or exposed and when it is ever brought up medical professionals downplay it and pass it off as no big deal.

— Most people get Genital Warts from HPV Infections and this is a wake up call from God to quit doing immoral sexual acts or debauchery. Unfortunately, Most people don’t quit their sexual affairs and then they get Oral or Genital Herpes that never goes completely away but stays dormant and then erupts in gross sores from time to time. Over 45 million people have Genial Herpes! HPV can also cause cervical, vaginal, anal, and penile cancers. Some people can get bumps in their throats that are cancerous from having done oral sex and catching the HPV virus.

—–If a person Never wants to get a STD or HPV Infection/Disease then they should do as the Bible says and that is to Never Do: fornication, sexual immorality, or any debauchery. The Bible says, “Flee (as in terror of the consequences) Fornication —for all sins are committed without the body but whoever does evil Sexual Acts is Sinning against—their Own Bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:18

–In the Epistle of Hebrews 11:24-27 it says Moses when he was older chose not to be known as the son of pharaoh’s daughter and heir to the throne, He left Egypt and all the Pleasures of Sexual Sins, debauchery, and being the master having slaves and servants doing his every whim or want.

Moses choose instead to endure hardship with the people of God and Obey God and seek Eternal Rewards to come at the great final White Throne Judgment. Instead of enjoying the Pleasures of Sins for a season on the earth.

1 John 2:15-17—- says Love God and his Holiness instead of the Worldly Sinful Kingdom—which is the Lust of the eyes, Lust of the flesh, and the Pride of Life–and this worldly kingdom passes away! But the person who Loves and Obeys God by keeping themselves from sexual lusts, desires, and pornography —-will eternally abide with God forever.

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