Welcome to God’s Digital Bible
You can Download for Free every book of the –New Testament. And you can Download every book of the –Old Testament for free.
These digital bible books are formatted for the best experience while reading the bible. To find out more information concerning how God’s Digital Bible came about just keep scrolling past the Old & New Testament Downloads to —“What is God’s Digital Bible?
*Note: After opening up any bible book downloads on your phone, laptop, desktop computer, or tablet –Switch to Liquid Mode—This will give you the best reading and navigating the bible text.

Old Testament Downloads

New Testament Downloads
What is God’s Digital Bible
God’s Digital Bible is the Bible specifically formatted to be read as easily as possible on the eyes.
There are no bunched-up together paragraphs that are hard to read and focus on. All text is pleasant to the eyes.
The KJV, NKJV, ESV, NIV, NASB, and RSV versions of the bible were consulted and the closest translation to the original Greek or Hebrew – (intended obvious meaning) was used. There are no Old English words used –such as thee or thou, etc.
There are lots of similar word meanings in many of the texts/passages to help the reader better understand a specific word’s meaning.
There are no commentaries and no Footnotes in any of the individual bible books.
Some words and sentences are underlined for easier memorization.
Our goal is to have God’s Digital Bible individual biblical books of the Old Testament and New Testament available and downloadable for free, by anyone, anywhere in the world.
Anyone can download any bible book on our website to their laptop, desktop, tablet, or phone, and access it easily and read it anytime.
Sincerely, William Charnow
About The Author
I am 71 years old and in great health for my age. I have written lots of articles, and non-fiction books over the years. In the process I became really good at proofreading, researching, and formatting.
I became a Christian at 16 years old. But after 2 years I started to slowly start drinking too much and having sex without being married. Then I got married and had 3 children. But wasn’t a real good husband or father. After 5 years I got divorced and worked and partied more than I should have. And in the process became lukewarm in my Christianity. This went on until I was 59 years old.
I decided to seek God first and get closer to the Lord. I felt so bad and ashamed that I didn’t do more for the Kingdom of God. I always gave offerings to ministries but didn’t personally/myself work directly doing ministry to people.
So, I started witnessing with some Christian groups and then on my own at a few colleges. Over the years I have witnessed to thousands of people and tried to help them have a better relationship with God.
About 4 years ago, as a labor of love I decided to Format all the New Testament and Old Testament books in an easy to read and understand mode for anyone to get for free via downloads. I spent over a year on this project. Sometimes I would work 40 something days in a row. Take a day off and then work another 40 something days.
Then I got a website and made free downloads available of every bible book in the New and Old Testaments. I also made all my personal bible books on different subjects available for free reading and downloads.
I have just spent the last year going over the entire Bible again and making it better formatted, and easier to read, etc. God helped me to do all the hard work of formatting, research, etc. and His presence and anointing was there all the time. It is the most awesome experience there is, and I really can’t explain it in physical words.
Below are my books on different subjects that anyone can Read or Download for free.

OSAS Talk Show
–Is it –once saved, always saved—or whoever faithfully endures until the end is saved. This talk show has the best arguments for and against eternal security/osas/etc. The book is lively, informative, and humorous at times.
Is it a Pretribulation Rapture or the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ?
Presents both sides of Christians who believe in a Rapture before the Great Tribulation. And Christians who believe in a 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ only. Very interesting, honest, and thought provoking Book with new information not in any book about the subjects.
The DRUGGED OUT Crazy Nation
“This book has all the popular Drugs that millions take everyday
and all the Side Effects associated with them. America consumes over 1/3 of all prescription drugs in the world. Is Big Pharmacy to blame?”
Next Stop WW3 and One World Government
This book discusses how the world, events, etc. are moving towards prophetic. times talked about in the Bible. Very informative about big media, big technology, Big military, etc.
The Shroud Of Turin
Is it the burial cloth of the resurrected Jesus Christ, or a medieval fake? A short booklet that discusses any and everything about –the World’s most researched artifact. Both sides are given for and against the Shroud of Turin’s
Economic Avalanche Talk Show
Eye-opening book on how America and big finance, banks, media, and super rich people control so much of the world’s money and transactions. Very informative and funny at times.
The Horrors of Hell & The Glories of Heaven Talk Show
The reader can learn a lot about any and everything to do with Hell and Heaven. Sparks fly at times between Reverend Loose Cannons and Pastor Lukewarm. They disagree on every single subject discussed. This book is informative, entertaining, and moves fast.
Jesus Christ Heals Today
This Book called Jesus Christ Heals Today is the most unique book about any and everything involving sicknesses, doctors, hospitals, beliefs, etc.
Happiness and Depression
Are they a Choice? —Is a brief 4-page booklet that explains how we choose our own spiritual and mental wellbeing. Lots of scriptures to help a Christian have God’s Peace, contentment, and joy.
Phony Cults, Gospels, and Doctrines
–all the world’s main religions and beliefs are briefly explained. And then a rebuttal is given by a member of the particular religion or belief being discussed. The book is interesting, informative, and humorous at times.
Lose Weight & Get in Shape
This book had any and everything to help the reader to be healthy and in shape the rest of their lives. Very informative with lots of interesting and funny stories.