Economic Avalanche Talk Show


ECONOMIC Avalanche Talk Show–is about a Talk Show. It features Average Middle-Class Worker Folks versus Greedy Super-Richie Guy. Both give their opinions on lots of topics such as: The USA”S current financial problems, the deficit, China’s Power, Central Banks, The Fed, treasury Bonds, Crypto-Currencies, etc.

–The Talk Show moves fast and is funny at times—especially when Greedy Super-Richie Guy gives his opinions.

–The Reader can learn a lot and get a few chuckles in the process.


William Charnow 805.451.7635 P.O. Box 3992, Santa Barbara, CA 93130 

ECONOMIC Avalanche Talk Show It features Average Middle-Class  Worker Folks versus Greedy Super-Richie Guy.  

Both give their opinions on lots of topics such as: The USA’ S current financial  problems, the deficit, China’s Power, Central Banks,  

The Fed, treasury Bonds, Crypto-Currencies, etc. 

–The Talk Show moves fast and is funny at times—especially when Greedy Super-Richie  Guy gives his opinions. 

–The Reader can learn a lot and get a few chuckles in the process. 

*–Feel Free to PRINT this Book up—and use and distribute it as you want. 

Our Books and God’s Digital Bible are all FREE. Any Donations go towards 

helping us continue to do so. 


William Charnow 

Copyright 2021/2023 by William Charnow/all Rights reserved.

ECONOMIC Avalanche Talk Show 

Talk Show Host: What are your thoughts on America and its ECONOMIC State? 

Average Middle-Class Worker Folks: 

Most people and companies thought due to the Covid-19 Flu Epidemic Lock-Down:  That there was going to be a short temporary bad Economic time in the USA. Maybe 2-3  months max. 

A V-Shaped Economy where the USA goes down economically in a Graph, but then  shoots back up quickly economically where it was before. Nowadays, the Stock Market  has been staying bullish, but many of the middle class, and lower income people are  getting ambushed by inflation. 

One of the main reasons for the USA’S Financial Mess is that: 70% of the Economy is  driven by Consumer Spending. By contrast a Powerful Strong Sound Economy –has  mostly a Manufacturing Base that has thriving in demand Exports for all its goods. 

Greedy corporations and companies out-sourced America’s manufacturing to mostly  China over the last 30 years. And there is No Way to get those tens of millions of  Manufacturing Jobs back.  

Most countries Central Banks (such as European Central Bank, Bank of England) are  printing up too much of their own currencies. But the USA prints boatloads more  amounts of Money or Currency with –Nothing but Debt Backing behind it. It is diluting  its currency at a faster rate than ever before.  

It is almost like America is just Asking to be Destroyed Economically by massive  Inflation –and losing its status as the World’s Reserve Currency. 

America represents itself to the world as –selfish, arrogant, a braggart, and a Bully  threatening Economical Hurt –through Sanctions to any country that opposes it. China,  Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, India, Venezuela all want a new world order with a new  world reserve currency besides the USA currency/dollars. 

The USA makes the whole world pay/finance for its Credit, Loans, and Debt lavish  lifestyle, 

that keeps it cruising along instead of going bankrupt and crashing. If it wasn’t for it  being –the World’s Reserve Currency. 

IF the Dollar Collapses and is Replaced as the World’s Reserve Currency  the following are what can happen next: 

There is global economic turmoil and confusion. Fearful investors rush to other  currencies such as the Euro, gold, silver, and other commodities. 

There would be No demand for USA Treasuries, and they would plummet. Interest Rates would rise and keep rising. 

Import Prices would skyrocket. 

There would be out of control Massive Inflation. 

To counter the great Panic in America we believe the USA will put into law a new Govt.  Digital Debit Card Currency to be used in all transactions instead of currencies in any  other form. It will be like a crypto-currency having a Ledger –that keeps track of every  transaction, but it will be –completely controlled by the Govt.  

The government may Outlaw all other kinds of monetary transactions, cash, credit and  debit cards, checks, crypto-currencies, silver, gold, etc. Sadly, the government or ‘Big  Brother’ in time may control everyone’s spending.  

Having a new Govt. Digital Debit Card Currency—The Govt. will know every deposit  and withdrawal any company or person makes. No longer will there be possible any  under the table cash transactions, no more cheating on Taxes or anyone hiding Income or  doing off the books stuff. No illegal drug trades can be done because all transactions are  clearly recorded and monitored.  

There will no fears of handling currencies physically and maybe getting a Covid-19  transfer. No one can rob someone else because of their having cash, gold or silver coins  on their person or nearby. Putting into law this new Govt. Digital Debit Card Currency  will calm the people down as they gladly submit to this new Economic Normal in the  midst of financial chaos and turmoil everywhere. These will be selling points for the  new Govt. Digital Debit Card Currency. 

Basically, overall, the USA citizenry lives beyond its means –and doesn’t –save much  money. It consumes merchandise and things it didn’t produce. Whereas most of the Rest  of the World doesn’t live as lavishly and saves more of their money. And they produce  most of the world’s merchandise but don’t consume much of it. A rap star would say  “The world is America’s Bitch.”

The financial economies of the world’s bigger economies are like a Financial Earthquake with Tremors from time to time and you know. 

the Big Devastating Tremors are still yet to come.  

An Economic Collapse gives way to an –Authoritarian Govt., police state, martial law,  and great losses of Freedom. During the Covid-19 Lockdown with all the mask rules,  and nowadays current vaccinations requirements for traveling, and being in public  places, etc., –most people are used to herd mentality Obeying. So, in the near future  most people will obey any laws enacted like good lemmings. 

The USA originally was built on honest economic principles of Money. The  Constitutional Way Business was supposed to be done was No –Federal Reserve,  Central Banks, or Income Taxes. Instead –The Business Commerce Market dictates for  itself –with supply and demand. 

It used to be in America that if a company failed, it wasn’t bailed out but instead went  out of business, or restructured, or another company took over their market with a better  company and products etc. All debts, loans, and commerce were paid in silver and gold, and you couldn’t print up money. But later on as America grew so prosperous –paper  money had to be used for so many different transactions but Only If it was Backed Up  and redeemable –by silver or gold coins. 

Nowadays most of the USA and world’s economies are –Debt, Credit, Loans, and  dishonest Govt. and Banking practices. When the USA Federal Reserve adds or  subtracts interest rates most central banks worldwide do the same in their countries. 

God says to America —“I made you the Head of all Nations –you Lent to others and  did not borrow, but because you don’t want me around anymore in your Business Affairs  and Work Environment you are the Tail –you will Borrow and not lend to others”  Deuteronomy 28:13.  

The USA up to the 1970’s was the Head –and the World’s Largest –Creditor Nation  Loaner.  

The USA from the 2000’s to the Present is the Tail –and the World’s Largest –Borrower-Debtor Nation. 

Greedy Super-Richie Guy: I have a PhD in Economics & International Banking  and you Average Middle-Class Worker Folks –just blab off about things, like you know  what you are talking about. You are all Ignoramuses! If you’re lucky I’ll let you kiss my  big butt like all our clients and employees do. Even in a recession, myself and all my  super-rich friends and associates still make the big bucks as usual. 

The Govt. and the Federal Reserve are our Saviors and not that God and the Bible  nonsense. I and all my friends are Atheists and there is no God.  

Not many people who want to work are unemployed, and everybody is working. We  don’t need any more Manufacturing Jobs because China makes its people do the cheap  and slave labor.  

The USA will always be the World’s Reserve Currency and any country that opposes  that will be attacked militarily and wiped off the map.  

Evolution is not a theory we all came from apes –but us Greedy Super-Richie Guys  have evolved into smart cunning predators who are superior to our less intelligent  gullible customers and employees.  

You can’t blame us for making the easy big profits over the dumb subservient to us –Governments, and peoples of the world. Its true most governments and peoples-are our  economic Bitches. 

Its survival of the fittest and we are the masters and you and your kind — -are our –indebted for life peasants. It’s your own stupid faults –you trusted us. Ha, Ha,  Losers. 

Myself, and all my fellow 1% Financially Super-Rich friends can’t be blamed for  owning governments and peoples who let us rule over them monetarily by getting credit  and loans from us. Like you said and even your fake God “Us Lenders are the Head and  Master and you and any Govt. are the Borrowers and thus the Slaves and the Tail.”  

We Rule the USA and you Average Middle-Class Worker Folks and all the working  peasants must do what we your Masters tell you to. I can’t stop laughing my buns off at  you saying, ‘America will go under Financially’, such a pipe dream of people jealous of  us.  

As long as us super-rich superior intelligent people are in control your best bet is to say  you are really sorry and brown-nose us like everybody else does. Ha, Ha! 

Average Middle-Class Worker Folks: 

The Inflation that comes from America’s Deficit Spending and Printing massive amounts  of new Dollars is like a parasite Cancer or Evil on everybody’s money.  

Its mind boggling to think that in 2020 –over 35% of all the Money the USA has Printed  Up was done in that one year alone.

According to a recent Rand Corp (Think Tank) Article in Time Magazine online:  It says –$50 trillion dollars has been taken from the bottom 99% of households to the  top 1% of households in America –over the last 45 years. This comes out to taking  $300,000 from every household in the USA.  

No outside forces did it. It was a result of –Trickle Down Economic Policies Americans chose since 1975. No one stopped the Political Leaders who put the Material Interest of  the rich and powerful –above the American people.  

The $50 trillion Bounty mostly went to wall street, big hedge funds, banks, and the top  1% wealthy people. Millionaires and Billionaires on wall street getting rich off the Fed  overpaying for bonds of companies. 

If Equitable Income Distribution of the years 1945-1974—held steady or the same –then  aggregate annual income (total income earned by individuals and companies in the  economy.

It was 2.5 trillion more or higher for the top richest 1% in 2020 than for the bottom 99%  of wage earners.  

This over the years (1975-2020) works out to –taking about $1,100 every month every  year from the bottom 99% of every wage earner in America. 

Policies and Monies from the government are supposed to help out and trickle down  good to the bottom 99% of wage earners. 

But instead, it seems like they are sucked or vacuumed upstairs to the 1% instead. It  seems like a Rigged System, and the financial super rich elites better hope the ignorant  gullible working class never finds out how they have been financially duped/screwed  over all these years. 

Lobbyists and Donors are controlling many Politicians. Many Politicians are Puppets  while in office –voting for whatever the lobbyists and their big donors want done.  

They slyly take no bribes while in office: But when –leaving office, –they get cushy  easy high paying jobs and/or do speeches for big bucks. 

The USA has over 900 military bases in 300 countries to intimidate peoples and  governments –to keep the World’s Dollar Hegemony intact or else suffer the  consequences like Libya, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, etc. have with painful Economic  Sanctions. 

If the USA continues on its same Economic Agenda. And –If –the USA Dollar  Hegemony of the World is done away with –and then as a direct result the entire USA  house of Economic Cards (Banking, Loaning, Excessive Money Printing, and Credit  Institutions) will go bust or belly-up.  

If someday the world goes on the Gold Standard for all currencies –the USA  economically will crash and its dollars and/or currency will super-inflate and eventually  become worthless. 

Greedy Super-Richie Guy: I like Deficits because it means we Richie’s got the  Govt. and the people by the financial balls for life. Ha, Ha. I want more Inflation  because it raises the worth on all the assets, we give loans on. I don’t give a rat’s pituitary  gland about the middle-class and lower income peasants.  

We gladly took the $50 trillion windfall bounty that we deserved. Understand this: We  are the Financial Sharks and you and your kind are the middle-class and low-income  tasty Shrimps to be consumed.  

We haven’t done anything wrong to the masses by shrewdly taking money from them.  It’s all perfectly legal. If you want to whine to someone then blame the Govt. for making  the policies for our benefit and jerking around the gullible, wimpy, stupid citizenry. 

Of course, it’s a rigged system. So, what –it’s always been like that. We get the millions,  billions, and trillions of dollars, and you lucky ducks get the trickle-down dollars that we  are so generous to give you.  

We control the USA’S Money Supply so if we tell the Govt. to impose crippling  economic sanctions on rebellious countries, they do it right away. And if they fail to  obey our every command then off with their heads. Ha, Ha. Let this be a lesson to every  country and person, “Shut up, and assume the position –doing whatever we tell you or  else suffer the consequences.”  

I really get off on big Deficits and big Loans. The borrowers are our financial slaves for  life. And these Financial Slaves all begat more financial slaves. That’s utter rubbish to  even think any of the Politicians we have in our Back Pockets –doing our agenda are  greedy or tell lies.  

All our Lobbyists and the Politicians that push our agendas are completely honest. And  wouldn’t even think of taking a bribe or receive easy big money after leaving office.  

Don’t any Govt. mess with us –or we’ll get the USA to kick your butt with Sanctions  economically or beat you down with some ground and pound military action.

Talk Show Host: Is CHINA an Economic Threat to the USA? 

Average Middle-Class Worker Folks: 

The following are Facts about China and any threats to the USA: The USA gets about 80% of its Exports from China. Thus, China has the USA  dependent on them for getting most of their merchandise to sell. They have a  stranglehold on America’s consumer merchandise/products they want and need. 

China has lots of consumer spending, and lots of Exporting from being the World’s  Super-Manufacturing Juggernaut. 

China is angry about the USA interfering on their South China Seas Military Bases  because China wants to control the Taiwan Strait/the Trade Waterways where 3 trillion worth of goods pass through annually.  

China considers nearby Taiwan its territory or vassal state just like the USA considers  Puerto Rico the same way. Lately, via strong threats by China, against Taiwan, and the  USA –the area is heating up for possible military confrontation.  

China has been sending out more ships in the Taiwan Strait and jets in the Taiwan  airspace and also throughout the South China Seas. China’s jets are frequently entering  Taiwan’s neutral zone airspace. They constantly say they will conquer Taiwan because it  is part of their original country or motherhood.  

The main reason they want to take over Taiwan is to gain control of the world’s smart  chips produced mostly by TSMC or the Taiwan Semi-Conductor Company. Having  control over TSMC would make China the leader in Artificial Intelligence, leading new  technologies and have the rest of the world dependent on them for the newest most  advanced Micro Chips.  

The Chinese are furious for being blamed for the Covid-19 Pandemic by America. A  mocking sarcastic high ranking China spokesman said, “The USA should look in the  mirror and see if it still looks like a major country today.” 

Former Attorney General William Barr at a July 2020 speech about China said: “China has launched a “Economic Blitzkrieg to topple the USA.” “This Threat is the  most important development of the century.”  

“It has been planned for years and is orchestrated and aggressive to seize the  commanding heights of the global economy.” “And to pass the USA as the world’s preeminent superpower.”

“China wants to raid the USA and control the Trade Waterways.” 

“China wants to monopolize Rare Earth Minerals –that are used widely for consumer  electronics, electric vehicles, medical devices, and military hardware.”  

“China produces most of the USA’s medical devices. And also –has the most ingredients  used for making pharmaceutical drugs.”  

China’s largest Import is Microchips which they buy over $400 billion dollars of  annually. The US has restricted sales of Semi-Conductors to China’s giant corporation  Huawei to slow down their 5-G progress. 

China can’t make all their own semi-conductors that are up to date –for a Platform for — Phones, 5-G technology, and their new Digital Yuan currency. 

China is mad about this low blow to their technology as it holds them back a little. 

China never apologizes for any wrongs that they do. Instead, China fires back at  accusers 

and finds fault with them. And punishes them with tariffs and/or not selling them a  product that they really need.  

Nobody can bully or threaten China anymore militarily. They won’t back down. because they have lots of modern long- and short-range nuclear missiles. And the USSR  is their ally in a war. The USA does not want to fight both China and Russia in any war. 

China has been hoarding Gold for decades to back up their different Yuan currencies. So  that before and when the dollar collapses their Digital Yuan, Gold Yuan, and Petro Yuan  are ready and –able to be used worldwide in a big way for trading deals, etc. 

China and Japan have struck a deal to use their own currencies more in trade than the  dollar. BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) are doing more trades in their  own currencies with each other. China and the United Arab Emirates are using their own  currencies for some Oil purchases between them.  

Saudi Arabia and China recently have been talking about trading in the Chinese Yuan. If  this happens in the future the Dollar Hegemony may come to an end much sooner. As  not using dollars for oil purchases could be a main factor in causing the Dollar to be  replaced as the World’s Reserve Currency. China would like its Renminbi (or Yuan) to be  the World’s new Reserve Currency.

The USA helping out and arming Taiwan is angering China more and more. President  Biden has said on different occasions that he will defend Taiwan if China attacks it. 

If the USA keeps pushing China’s buttons –they may start selling all or a most of their  Treasury Bonds from the USA and –flood America with more dollars –and cause faster  higher Inflation. Some refer to this action as ‘China’s Nuclear Economic Option’. 

If that should occur –Other countries could then become Fearful of their USA Treasury  Bonds losing much, or all their value eventually. Thus, as a result, these countries might liquidate their Treasuries.  

These actions could quickly cause the Dollar’s Collapse and it then might cease to be the  World’s Reserve Currency. 

Greedy Super-Richie Guy: The U.S. is the World’s most powerful economy, the  richest nation, and strongest military power. China, Russia, and all the world are jealous  of America, so I say to them, “Eat your hearts out!” Ha, Ha. 

All the Giant merchandising store accounts in America such as Walmart, Home Depot,  and Target, and Amazon Online –love getting cheap goods from China and make big  bucks off of them selling to the gullible stupid –pay too much for everything consumers. 

We could care less how hard the manufacturing conditions, and long hours are for the  Chinese working laborers. It’s all about being king of the hill and raking in mega bucks  for banking and corporate profits. 

China better soon shut up and submit to us in all our demands in the South China Seas,  or else the USA will kick their butt, and Russia’s also.  

The American hegemony dollar will never collapse. It will trounce the new digital  Chinese Yuan or any other currencies. The dollar is the world’s strongest superior  currency. End of story.  

Talk Show Host: What is the Outlook for Jobs & Businesses in the  USA? 

Average Middle-Class Worker Folks: 

Most Low-Income People –are just existing and surviving. Low-Income folks everyday  try to stay afloat. They try to figure out who to pay and who not to pay. They Worry  constantly about either getting a job; having fewer working hours; getting laid off;  making rent, food, and car payments, feeding kids, getting sick; and as a result, many  have Sleepless Nights.

Sadly, many are taking more medications than ever before to try and cope. There is a  substantial increase of Adults that are dealing with Mental/Behavioral Health issues — mostly, anxiety and depression. 13% of adults reported starting or increasing Self Medicating by drugs and/or alcohol to cope with stress or anxiety related to the recent  pandemic.  

About 40% of households spent 35% of their income on Rent and utilities. And 25% of  households spent about 50% or more of their income on Housing. If people get Evicted.  It is hard for them to get housing again. They are blacklisted by landlords.  

In the 1950’s –People paid 10% or less of their Incomes for Rent. A mechanic or  construction worker could save up enough money to buy a house almost anywhere in the  USA and pay off the mortgage on time or earlier. 

One major problem for millions of Americans is that there has been hardly any –Low Income Housing since the 1990’s. Landlords can set high prices for rentals to low income people and then say—take it or leave it. 

Over 45 million Americans are Renters, and many are one two to three missed payments  from maybe being evicted.  

Getting a decent place to lease for Rent is a –hardship to Move in Dilemma: A person(s)  needs a good steady job, good credit score, First and last months’ rent, and a security  deposit. So, if a Rental is $1200 a month a person(s) may need around $3,600 to move  in. 

The Stimulus Economic Packages unfortunately, resulted in the wealthy getting most of  it eventually. If the Stimulus and Federal Quantitative Easing were a Banquet: The top  20% Income Brackets get the main course and desserts etc. And the lower income and  middle class get the leftovers, and crumbs.  

Many Business Owners have been taking out loans on their assets and maxing out their  credit cards and may soon go off the Bankruptcy Cliff.  

The Government is bailing out Zombie Companies and like a Drunken Gambler — –” It keeps throwing good money after bad money.” 

A well-known Chase Bank CEO said in an interview on the Economy: “Were in the  midst of the largest Financial Fiscal Experiment ever seen in the World and it is  Uncharted Territory,” “Nowadays the fate of the Economy is like looking down a dark  well and not knowing how far down it will go.” 

There is a –Massive Wealth Gap: 10% of the wealthiest people own about 80% of the Stock Market. 10% of the wealthiest people own about 90% of all Assets. 

It seems like the USA is –mostly a Nation of Greed: Whether at the stock market, or at  the grocery store where people buy for hoarding foods. People under entitlements or  welfare can be just as greedy as the very rich. Many homeless people are greedy over  getting free foods and meals, and many don’t even say thank-you for the free stuff  people give them –but they want more.  

We once helped out at a church in San Diego, CA feeding the Homeless pizza on  Wednesday nights. Once the pizza boxes arrived there was a rush to grab the slices of  pizza and I never saw such a lustful eating frenzy. People would almost choke trying to  wolf a pizza slice down while they were greedily holding 1-2 other slices in another  hand. Within about 10-15 minutes the 6 boxes of large pizzas were devoured by the  piranha like greedy gluttons. What also amazed me was only maybe two or three people  said thank-you for the free pizza, sodas, and water bottles.  

Greedy Super-Richie Guy: Low-Income people need to just relax and thank their  lucky stars for us Richie-Riches because we are never greedy for profits, and we do all  our policies to try and help out the middle class and low-income folks. So, they need to  quit complaining and realize that they got themselves into their predicament because of  

being so stupid by spending too much on credit cards, taking out unnecessary loans, and  not saving much money, and gold/silver for a rainy day.  

They need to grow up, be responsible, and get off the drugs and alcohol. We don’t get the  bulk of any Quantitative Easing/Stimulus Packages. That’s bunk.  

If any business closes down –there is a Silver Lining –The owners and employees can  get jobs at McDonald’s or other fast-food places that are thriving, and that pay really good with lots of perks.  

My sarcastic advice to you Average Middle-Class Worker Folks are to be a fool and  borrow too much, and spend lots more money, and max your credit cards out. This will  help the economy right now to do better, and of course make us Richie’s more insane  profits. Ha, Ha.  

That crazy Chase Bank CEO you quoted is ludicrous. I would push his butt down that  well he talked about. He obviously is just a paranoid mental case. He doesn’t have a clue  what he is saying. He’s probably on drugs or something. 

The only reason us 10% richest people own most of the US is because we are the most 

blessed, gifted, and smartest people. We deserve our wealth. You uneducated stupid  gullible peasants deserve what you have.  

Your Pizza Story shows how the homeless and low-income people are really the greedy  people and that’s why they are at the bottom of the food chain. Well, your Pizza Story  makes my corpulent body want to get chauffeured in either my Rolls Royce or Bentley  and go to Luigi’s Pizza in Beverly Hills. 

Average Middle-Class Worker Folks: 

When America formed the Original Constitution, it said there will be No Central Bank,  and No Income Taxes.  

During the Industrial Revolution around 1913 –the Federal Reserve (Central Bank) was  formed to be in charge of fixing interest rates and printing new money or currency. The  Reasoning for creating it even though the Constitution forbid a Central Bank was: We  can’t have different presidents or politicians fixing interest rates or printing new currency  for their own benefits and party affiliations. Also, the Federal Reserve promised to  prevent recessions or depressions. However, it didn’t stop the1929 Depression from  occurring. 

After WW2 the USA owned 2/3 of the world’s Gold and was the world’s most stable  currency. 

In 1945 at a place called Bretton Woods the world’s major nations got together and  created a new Universal Monetary System. The American Currency backed. by Gold –became the World’s Universal Currency. As a result –all the worlds’ currencies were tied to the gold backed dollar. And Gold sold for $35 an ounce. 

The U.S. lost 50% of its Gold from 1959-1971. The US had 12 times more dollars  printed during this period. There was Not enough gold to back up the dollars in  circulation. So, this shows –the USA even back then –was Not showing Honesty and  Integrity for such a privileged responsibility to the world. 

President Nixon had to take the U.S. off the Gold Standard (temporarily –it was  supposed to be) or the entire world currencies would all collapse since they were tied to  the dollar. 

On August 15th, 1971 –All the World’s Currencies became Fiat Currencies (having  nothing backing them except Faith in them).  

After the Gold Standard was done away with –The Floating Currency Exchange –came  into existence. The world’s currencies values would no longer be fixed by a gold standard –but determined by market forces instead. Thus, all Currencies –are Floating  Currencies. 

Nowadays, the Dollars’ Worth is judged everyday by how much investors want it  compared to wanting instead –the Canadian Dollar, Swiss Franc, Swedish Krona,  British Pound, or the Euro. The Dollar then has an Index Rating or Dollar Index. If the  Dollar Index is above 100 it is considered a strengthening dollar. If it is below 100 it is  considered a weakening dollar. The lowest rating recently was 70 in 2008, The highest  recently was 165 in 1985.  

After America went off the Gold Standard in 1973 –prices on everything went up and  up, and –continuous Inflation was now the norm. 

During the Ronald Reagan Presidency the Fed Chairman Paul Volcker amid double-digit  Inflation spearheaded aggressive Interest Rates Increases. He and Reagan were bashed  by politicians, the media, and most of the public as crazy –and are going to plunge the  U.S. into a depression. For a while the economy got worse but then gradually it began to  get better and better. And an era of staple inflation became the norm.  

President Bill Clinton was the last administration to leave office and have a –1 Trillion  Budget Surplus. Hard to believe nowadays but it is true. George W. Bush became president and got the U.S. into 2 wars and was known –to sign any and every Spending  Bill that came on his desk. He also slashed corporate taxes and capital gains taxes. After  he left office his administration and the (congress and senate) left –a $10 Trillion  National Debt.  

The Democratic Obama Presidency with a Republican Senate and House left another  $10 trillion deficit to make it a $20 Trillion National Debt before President Trump took  office. Nowadays, the USA National Deficit is –around $30 Trillion or more. 

There have been over a 1,000 Fiat Currencies throughout history and –Not one of them  has survived. All Hyper-Inflated and then –people and banks lost Confidence in their  value and got rid of them –and went to another currency.  

Any Currency is only as Good –as people have Confidence in it. When Investors feel  much less confident in the Dollar, they may ditch it quickly and seek out a solid  currency backed by Gold, and/or buy gold or silver coins, metals, or stocks. 

The Dollar has lost over 90% of its value since 1950. But it’s still the same dollar only  Hyper-Inflated. The cause is because as way too many printed up additional dollars  flood the economy –this Fiat paper currency loses its value.  

Over half of all the dollars printed up in circulation –are outside America. About 1.8  trillion dollars now in circulation around the world are outside of the USA –About 2/3 

of all $100 bills –and –1/2 of all $50 dollar bills. 

Greedy Super-Richie Guy: The best thing to happen to America is the creation of  the Federal Reserve Central Bank. The constitution is outdated. It applied only to  primitive Colonial Times.  

It’s much better now with the added Amendments of a Central Bank and an Income Tax  where the Govt. takes more percentage of Income from the middle-class than us Richie Riches Guys who rule over you ignorant gullible financial slaves of ours. I can’t believe  how you Suckers let us and the Govt. get away with it. Ha, Ha! 

President Nixon’s best decision in office was getting rid of the Gold Standard, and as a  direct result nowadays we Super-Richie’s and Federal Reserve are your Gold Standard.  You let us do it — 

–so too bad poor babies, go cry a river and feel sorry for yourself. 

We are the greatest nation, and most powerful and its mostly because of us  compassionate financial economic saviors of the U.S. and the planet.  

Average Middle-Class Worker Folks:  

The Following are a lot of different things that impact the Economic World: One of the most difficult things that 90% or more of all peoples don’t understand or can’t  figure out (and the Government, Federal Reserve, Treasury, and Central Banks hope  they never do) is– 

How Do Treasury Bonds come into Existence?  

To make it very brief and as easy to understand here basically are how Treasury Bonds  are Created –The Government after approval from (the senate and house of  representatives) on the amount of Treasury Bonds to be issued. 

—For example, let’s say $100 Billion dollars is approved:  

—Then the government creates the $100 billion worth of Treasury Bonds (In reality  IOU’S) and gives them to the Treasury.  

–The Treasury then issues out the Bonds to America’s Central Banks who buy the  Bonds –with Currency.  

–Then the Federal Reserve buys the Bonds back from the Central Banks (who make a  profit on them).  

–The Fed buys the Treasury Bonds with government issued checks (with nothing  backing them up). 

–Central Banks enter the checks amounts into their systems Digitally. Then they give  Loans to other banks that are Deposited in their systems Digitally.  

–So, right then —all the Currency is Digital Numbers –punched in.

–When all the thousands of banks in America do any Loaning of Money from the  Digital Currency they received: This is when –New Currency is created out of nothing– into all kinds of commerce and transactions.  

The Treasury and Federal Reserve are swapping IOU’S and using the Banks as  middlemen. Thus, the end result is a buildup of Currency at the Treasury –and a buildup of Treasury Bonds at the Fed. It’s like a sleight of hand-slickly done process to create  new currency or dollars –out of thin air so to speak.  

What the Fed and Central Bank does through QE etc. is called ‘Creative Banking’: But  all crooks of high finance know it as –“Cooking the Books”.  

SWIFT is a gigantic Worldwide Exchange that does Wire Transfers of one person’s  account of their currency to –give a person payment in their own different currency, or  in dollars. When doing or threatening Sanctions the USA uses the SWIFT Exchange to  punish anyone, they Don’t like by denying their access to using it. Iran decided to sell oil  in Euros and got banned from Swift. Iraq tried to not sell oil in petrodollars and the USA  destroyed the country. Russia can’t use the SWIFT Exchange due to sanctions on them  from invading Ukraine. 

Greedy Super-Richie Guy: The Fed doesn’t print money out of nothing backing it  up. You airheads –Deficits and trillion-dollar stimulus from the Fed are fantastic for the  economy. May the USA always use the Swift Exchange to punish anyone who dares not  do what they command. America kicks butt with the military, and I kick butt making  money, getting bling, and doing my greedy thing.  

Talk Show Host: What are Crypto-Currencies, BITCOIN, and BLOCKCHAIN? 

Average Middle-Class Worker Folks: 

Most people are confused about Crypto-Currencies, and some get dizzy headed trying to  understand what they are and think only weirdo nerdy guys can understand them. So, we  will make it as simple to understand as we can for the average person, just like us all. 

Bitcoin –is a Crypto-Currency Digital Financial Banking System –done on computers  using the Internet. One of the nice things about it is that 2 people from anywhere on  earth can do a Bitcoin exchange or transaction without any middlemen, banks, Swift  System, or Govt. interfering. People like the idea that no one can freeze their Bitcoin  account or confiscate their holdings. It’s cheaper to do than money orders or wire  transfers.

Every person using Bitcoin has special unique Keys (or Codes) for deposits and  withdrawals. Tragically, if a person loses or can’t remember their keys codes  (Passwords) or they are fooled into giving them away by paying the wrong person –then  they can’t ever access their account again.  

There was a man who when doing moving accidentally misplaced or lost his Bitcoin  Passwords and can’t access his account with around $12 million worth of bitcoins in it.  

With Bitcoin every transaction done is recorded instantly on an ongoing Ledger which is  called a –Block-Chain. Every computer used in Bitcoin all around the world has an  instant update of any transactions done. This Crypto-Currency can never be hacked. 

There are No actual physical coins. Its all-Digital. All a person needs to get started is a  smart phone, digital wallet, and access to the internet. 

Since there are 2.5 billion peoples who don’t have access to the regular current Banking  System: Bitcoin is a Banking solution for them. Thousands of businesses worldwide  accept Bitcoin, and Bitcoin ATMs are springing up in some places.  

Retail giant Walmart has a patent filed to create its own Crypto-Currency. Facebook may  launch its own Crypto-Currency called Libra. It will be backed up by cash and bonds. It  will have Libra wallet apps. And some select grocery stores/convenience stores will sell  it. 

Governments may outlaw Crypto-Currencies in their countries and try to shut them  down or make it a crime to use them. Many fear that China will outlaw all Crypto Currencies in favor of everybody using their Digital currency Banking System instead.  Recently, they have been cracking down on Bitcoin miners who use massive amounts of  energy in China to mine for Bitcoins.  

Talk Show Host: What are your Final Comments? 

Greedy Super-Richie Guy: The Yuan and Euro will always be lesser currencies  than the dollar.  

How dare you accuse the Federal Reserve and the policies of QE as “Cooking the Books”. You act like they are doing criminal activities. Such Hogwash! 

America uses the SWIFT System to scare countries to kowtow and do as we say or  suffer the consequences. We enjoy seeing Russian and Iranian citizens suffer  economically from the economic Sanctions on them. Let them eat cake. Ha, Ha.

Bitcoin and all crypto-currencies are phony-baloney in my world. As Warren Buffett  said, “Bitcoin is a mirage.” China, the USA, and other major economic countries will  tax, and eventually outlaw crypto currencies in the future. Each country will have their  own crypto-digital currency and won’t allow competition with it in their countries.  Eventually, there will be a One World Currency, and it will be the only one allowed by  law in all countries. 

The USA will always pay its Debts because we are the World’s #1 Economy. Everybody  should buy Treasury Bonds because they are as good as gold. Actually, they are a lot  better.  

All you Average Middle-Class Worker Folks –are a bunch of nutcases who need  Psychiatric help and then you need to be put on strong medications to sedate you and  prevent you from ever saying a word against us righteous Greedy Super-Richie Guys  who are saving America from financial ruin. All your facts are distorted or false. You  need to assume the position on your knees and say you are so sorry for saying  falsehoods against us.  

Always remember: Greedy Super-Richie Guys Rule Baby!’ Ha, Ha and always will. 

Average Middle-Class Worker Folks: From all the information I have presented  today it looks like America is going to eat–the big one-in the future. And is on the path  of no return downward to a dark nightmarish financial collapse.  

Thanks for having me on the show. 


 Contact and Donations: 


William Charnow 805.451.7635 

P.O. Box 3992, Santa Barbara, CA 93130

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